If you can't go totally off the grid yet, here's a cool idea: Land of Enchantment's innovative new solar power program!! Ahh, New Mexico, as if i didn't love ya enough...

Way to go New Mexico!! Solar power just makes sense here with over 300 days of sunshine and our temperate climate. For us who although we'd love to can't go totally off grid yet here's a cool first step they are doing in my state.. New Mexico is supporting their residents and the environmental movement with their customer owned solar generation program. This is an exciting new addition to the conservation movement that has just been renewed for another year!!
PNM ( Power New Mexico) our main power company has initiated a solar power incentive program. https://www.pnm.com/solar It's a $150 sign up and we save on our energy bill, reduce fossil fuel consumption, and THEY pay US for any unused power. I've heard that in some states if you have solar power and are still passively hooked up to the grid you can get taxed even for the excess power you put back in!! That's insane if that is true! But here in NM so far it works like this.. As I understand it we sign a renewable energy certificate (REC) for a small (up to 10 KWac) or large (over 10KWac) solar power unit. Pending inspection and application approval we are eligible. Because we are adding renewable energy to New Mexico's power grid they pay us to help them meet their environmental goals. Pretty cool ideašŸ˜Ž✌šŸŒµ

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Conservation Meditations

Just wanted to pass this along... VERY CONCERNING!!!!  Anything we can do to reduce plastic use even one thing to start with would be a huge...