Just wanted to pass this along... VERY CONCERNING!!!!  Anything we can do to reduce plastic use even one thing to start with would be a huge improvement! I am guilty of this but trying to decrease my use as much as possible as well.


Energy Conservation of the Emotional Kind...Being mad is way too much work :)

According to Tesla, if you wish to understand the universe think of energy, frequency and vibration. This sounds awesome, but I guess I should probably start with understanding myself and the way in which I view and interact with the world around me. Then I'll tackle the universe. :)

So, I was wondering, does Tesla's law of the physical universe apply to our emotions and feelings as well? What if your emotional energy given is greater than your energy received in a particular situation? ... Can we have a negative energy end result leaving us drained and frustrated? We are environmentally aware and concious of how our decisions can affect the natural environment in which we live. We recycle, watch electricity use and look for alternative means to power our homes and vehicles. It's easy to think of energy conservation in regards to our environment, but what I was thinking was...

Can we apply this idea of conservation to emotional energy also?

 It seems to work if we use Tesla's ideas about the universe to figure out ourselves, our emotions and relationships and maybe a better way to handle conflicts in general. We are aware of our energy use and it's environmental impact. We need to also be aware of our emotional energy usage, and conserve this use with those situations that do not reciprocate positive energy or cause ourselves an emotional energy deficit.

-We've all done it right?
 Stayed too long in a bad relationship, put too much effort into a friendship that is unbalanced or unreturned, that feeling of being overworked and undervalued at a job... How can we know when to stop fighting that losing battle and readjust the situation that is causing imbalance in our life? How do we become an emotionally balanced person without all those negative feelings that are weighing us down? What would be the answer?-

Is there like a mathematical equation or something for this?

I think the answer to this starts with some questions we should ask ourselves regarding the issue at hand: Let's try to look at it pragmatically:

1. Does this situation make you feel out of balance?

2. Is this situation clouding your focus and carrying over to positive areas in your life, causing problems there too? Do you feel confused by this?

3. Do you feel helpless to this situation, like it has control over you and you can't stop the negative thought spin?

4. Do you dwell on the situation, mentally battling it out how you wish it would have went, or beating yourself up for how you handled things?

 If the answer to any of these is "yes" then it's time to evaluate that negative situation and it's effect on our happiness and security as a happy and whole human being. I don't like that helpless feeling, I don't think anyone should feel that way about a problem,  there is always something we can do- let's get rid of that bugger! It's serving you no purpose, time for the hitchhiker to hoof it- enough of the energetic free ride !! :) 

 "Forget about it!!" 
we hear.. 

"Turn the other cheek!"

"What would Jesus do?"

 Those cliches we've all heard a million times... Easier said than done right? Well what Jesus did was forgive, and walk away sometimes. He did this in the Bible days and I never really fully got it until recently. This sounds bad (I'm so sorry Jesus) -but in my ignorance I thought of not engaging with conflict or negativity as and outdated idea, or how could that be effective- I feel like a doormat and they are just getting away with it!!
Well, luckily enough, it's not our job to distribute karma. The universe has a poetic way of taking care of all that and we don't even have to think about it. All we have to do is think about how we conduct ourselves in the situation, and how much of the negative baggage of that situation we want to bring into other areas of our lives. We could potentially affect innocent people close to us who really care and who potentially could even help with the problem. Not getting heated in a hostile or hurtful scenario is ultimate strength and control when someone is antagonizing you. It can be one of the hardest things to do sometimes, we all have that knee jerk reaction to get emotional or lose our temper without thought. This is is sign of emotional immaturity and is something we need to learn to be in control of if we want to feel good and be happier. We CAN have the ultimate in control and inner strength and self cofidence.
This is everything. 
The key.

When someone is really antagonizing you, just in your face, and you can just smile and be calm and mean it... 

It reminds me of the video that went viral a while back of that gentleman who is dealing with the woman who interrupts his talk at a political event and he is just COOL- doesn't react for the longest time and when he is finally forced to interact and deal with her it is done from a place of friendship and tolerance. To me it seems like she doesn't get any point proven, she is that person I always get stuck behind in line at the store, you know, the one that always wants "TO SPEAK TO A MANAGER" haha .. Anyway, she ends up leaving not proving anything except how COOL he is ... I just love this guy.. I found it !!! Here it is...

Mr. Jagmeet Singh is at the level of inner balance that I would like to be someday. Just wow. Soo awesome. Side note: He just happens to be up against Justin Trudeau in the 2019 Canadian election for Prime Minister!! This guy... We can all learn from his attitude-just stay calm, walk away from the problem, and really enjoy your day. I know it is easier said than done... butI  think sometimes living well IS really the answer. Live so well you can resonate above all the BS.
I've been tossing parts of this idea around for a while now... It involves something I read a while back about one of Tesla's energy philosophies and it keeps popping up at different times. It's just starting to solidify into an actual idea that could be of benefit for my life... Tesla often talked about energy, and how the universe likes the balance and conservation of it... I'm paraphrasing but it's something like this... Moderation is more energy efficient than complete abstinence in the long run as it takes less energy to indulge oneself occasionally in their ____ (insert whatever vice or thought process one happens to be white knuckling it through at the time) to an extent,  than to just struggle and fight that ___ (vice, negative thought, ... )  Tesla talks about balance and moderation, or, the top is more energy efficient when it spins balanced independently than when it bumps into stuff it and wobbles or stops-

 In other words, I understood that as- it is more energy efficient to not bump up against the world all the time and ping pong all over the place, out of control emotionally. We don't have to constantly confront everything, we don't have to be in constant mental stress fight mode. This is not equal or balanced or our natural state of being. This isn't strength, or powerful... It's actually the total opposite. This shows weakness of spirit and a lack of control of our emotional state. And we wonder why we're always on edge and crabby!! And if we cut down on the conflict/drama mode of thought as the norm we should have lots more mental energy to focus on positive areas of our life that truly fulfill us.

And really, how much do we want to preach our cause to deaf ears?? To a totally non responsive or non existent audience? We are expending a large amount of energy only to have accomplished exactly zero and possibly increasing negativity, and getting nowhere with our point except often making the problem worse.We are feeding the black dog of negative thought instead of the white dog of positive thought. Whichever dog we feed is the one who stays and grows.


It's that easy.

Turning the other cheek is underrated. I guarantee in a short while if this is done sincerely and with focused intent to really remove the problem (maybe not from your life because that is impossible sometimes) but from your mental space, you will shortly look back and wonder what was the big deal in the first place. It always surprises me how quickly the problem disappears from my psyche when I do this!! It can get even faster and easier too, the more we practice.

I think it starts with keeping mental tally or tabs on our thoughts.  Such a simple idea but so hard for us to realize sometimes right?? But not really!! We've been brainwashed to believe this, it's as easy as breathing!! Keep a jounal, write it down if you need to that's always helpful and therapeutic. If we practice this positivity neurons have been studied to be able- at any age- to carve out new pathways in the brain if we intentionally change our focus to positive thought.

There I just solved all problems of international conflict- you're welcome PLANET EARTH ;) HAHA BUT SERIOUSLY if we focus on positivity in EVEN one LITTLE area where we normally think negative we HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO retrain our brains. THAT'S HUGE!!!

Change our thought processes in all areas of our life and change our life possibly permanently for the better.
No drugs, NO OVER priced ineffective therapy.. Isn't that a nice happy thought? 
See?? we're doing it already. 

Now go get an ice cream. Peace. :)

CAPTAIN'S LOG STARDATE 3/9/18 Galaxy of the Milky Way, Sunstar Solara, Planet Earth ;)
LATE ENTRY 11:30 -Just posted this about an hour and a half ago, went to walk Harlow, came in sat down & this came up http://www.krqe.com/news/mornings/world-class-ayurvedic-institute-offers-free-seminars-and-more-on-traditional-medicine/1017343449 looks like I've got my Friday night plans!! Maintianing the light grid here in the War Zone - Keep on keepin' on and have a great weekend everybody!

Upcycling: The Spirit of Creativity and Co-Operation Throughout History

 I LOVE to creatively upcycle, but I'm definitely not the first to do this, and I know I won't be the last. We may have been the generation to put the hip name on it, but the idea of taking an unusable item and giving it new useable purpose instead of discarding it has been around for a long, long time. Who knows how far back it goes, I'd say maybe even back to the advent of the spirit of creativity coupled with the lack of supplies to meet a demand.

-Historically, upcycling was a need-based mindset-

During the Great Depression money and supplies were scarce. People of that era often had to use their creativity to reuse an item that was needed at the time. This was a creativity that was sometimes based in a need for survival from day to day. A more light hearted example of this spirit of human perseverance and innovation, despite their living conditions, was the use of flour sacks to make various household items. The flour manufacturers of the time had started to notice that the cotton sacks they used to transport large amounts of flour in were being repurposed by savvy and resourceful women of the era to make dresses.
A very innovative marketing employee had the idea to put the flour in sacks made of contemporary cotton fabrics instead of the plain printed flour sacks they had been using, and sales went through the roof.
Wartime rationing also brought out a great diversity of creative repurposing and another example of the innovation and inventiveness of the people of the time- to save money and ration nylon used by the military wartime women would draw a black line on the back of their legs to simulate pantyhose. So sassy, cute and it worked!! Bravo ladies!

Food items were reused and recycled, kitchen scraps like cooking oils and bacon grease previously thrown out were collected for reuse by the war effort. All throughout history people have been recycling items that had possibly worn out their original purpose into something else the was useful to their owner. Our generation is most familiar with this during the early to mid 1900s. Back then everyone knew how to sew and cook. With rationing during the world wars and the Great Depression people had to be both thrifty and creative.

A great result of this creativity and resourcefulness are clothing items like those cool colorful war era jackets they made from antique Hudson Bay wool blankets that are still around, and iconic and so collectable today.

Brochures were distributed with up cycling ideas like patterns to make women's skirts and blazers out of old men's suits.

                                                                                                                                                                  The world war era was a great time for examples of human ingenuity. Neighborhoods were organizing supply collections and many community action groups were formed in the spirit of volunteerism at that time. It was a time of people coming together and uplifting each other through cooperation and a collective spirit of staying positive through a sometimes lonely or negative experience.

-Upcycling is now a conservation/conciousness based mindset-   

Modern society is built on the creativity of it's ancestors. This was just the beginning of the current upcycle/repurposing movement. There are still many benefits to this type of mindset.  Environmental preservation, service of others, our neighbors and community. A globally orientated mindset. Simplifying and decluttering our lives. Thinking outside the box, being creative yet still practical. Conservation, using what we have on hand to manifest our current project. Living within our financial means, saving money. Simplifying with a zen/less is more focus. Freeing ourselves of our self induced prison of purchased stuff. Just to name a "few"!! Haha

All those unused items just sitting around cluttering the house can weigh us down, both in our physical and mental space. We have become such a society of consuming and mass production to match that consumption, I feel it's getting out of control. Throw away culture subliminally guided through the designed obsolescence of a corporate run capitalistic system for the benefit of few, unwittingly paid for by many... I for one, had been somewhat brainwashed into this mindset. Say no!!  We can change this by our purchasing power!! We can say yes to a simpler existence with less stuff  and a less cluttered mind. Life forces you that way sometimes but we still have the tools to make the right choices. And the choice to purchase from reuse stores instead of new items or, even better, reusing or repurposing out of materials already on hand is something I know I can always improve on in my life.

            Now we upcycle and repurpose but it's for a different reason. We do this not because we have to or are forced to.. We do it as an act that shows we choose what is important for ourselves, our families and everyone in our communities. It may seem that the odds are stacked against us, but we still can make a change, even if it does start out small. We choose to put our families, friends and neighborhood first. We choose to put our focus on environmental issues.

We have a voice. We matter.

   We don't even realize that we are being manipulated by mass marketing- numbed by a constant onslaught of the mass media even in our own home on our own time. This invasion of our privacy and our thought processes should not be allowed. We have free will, and I believe in the good  and the humanity that we all still have in us. We should not be told what to do, buy, eat, think. We have the power to change this- say no to the new junk they are putting out there for us- low quality at outrageously high prices. So paint, fix, upcycle- it's so much fun!! Shop the vintage and thrift
stores- almost every time you can find better quality, cool retro style and usually much cheaper.. It's the first step to utilize your creativity, think for yourself and others,  help keep the planet green and break out of the matrix of modern society consumer culture. It's just that first step that can precede a great change that benefits everyone!

          "This aggression will not stand, man."

          And The Dude Abides.  Be the change. Peace.        


Bust the Stigma and Be the Change.. Dumpster Diving as an Art Form and Thoughts on Thrift Shopping BEFORE it was Cool

How many times have you driven by something left at the side of the street or curb for garbage pick up and thought, wow I should really turn around and pick that up!!..? I know I have done this countless times! A couple weeks ago I saw three matching storage baskets.. (You know the ones with the canvas liners in graduating sizes that fit inside each other and have many useful household purposes) They were in a dumpster by where I live so I grabbed them.. Hoping no-one sees me... But then I start thinking on the way home- why am I ashamed of this? I'm keeping them out of the landfills.. Putting them to good use.. We should be proud of this!! Why the shame and stigma? This is something to be proud of!! Since when should this be something shameful?? Why do we let outdated, irrelevant, misplaced societal norms dictate our behavior?
 When I was in my 20s and I had just started school I was struggling to pay the bills. Both the kiddos were under five at the time and daycare costs were a fortune.. I was a full time pre nursing student at college and working two part time jobs. I would have never made it without Mom, bless her heart (big ups to G-Ma!!)  She helped as much as she could with babysitting and with bills but it was a slim time financially for we three.. I had to buy most of their clothes at the thrift stores that year. This was the 90's when that was not Macklemore "Thrift Shop" cool or hipster yet AT ALL..

 Shopping at thrift stores unfortunately for most people was looked down upon or shamed.. When other Moms at my kid's school would give me a compliment on their clothes or shoes I would have to make something up about where I purchased them.. and that really bothered me.. I was a single mom and the area where my kids went to school was pretty swanky- some of the other moms were, ahhh, not sooo nice to me.. But I didn't care.. as long as my kids were happy but I was pretty sure if I told some of those moms the truth about where we had to shop at the time they wouldn't have thought it was "hipster" or cool.. That bothered me! Why should I feel ashamed for recycling and saving money? It should have been like..


The kids didn't care at the time and I secretly loved it!! It was a treasure hunt every time and I had a game I played with myself.. How much can I get for them for 20 bucks?!😄
Now thrifting is cool and I'm happy for that!! Society's standards are starting to change as the people find meaning in higher vibe priorities and that's awesome..
It really is.. ( WAY less cool retro furniture and clothing and higher prices since the hipster invasion).. but good overall. I have been seeing new thrift stores opening frequently around me- so fun.
So so positive overall!! And I for one am gonna keep on upcycling, dumpster divin' and thrifting with pride.. Let's brag about our dumpster scores and thrift store finds!! That's something to be proud of! 
 carry on.. I think it's tea time..😜

Obsessed with Craigslist Free Listings?? Me too!!! But I've discovered something even better!!...

 It's called Freecycling and I have just joined our local neighborhood Albuquerque Freecycle group Trash Nothing:   https://trashnothing.com/about.   It's a system similar to the Craigslist free section but you can post items you want to give as well as items you need!! Win-win. 
You can pay it forward and volunteer by writing about it on your social media page or blog, post fliers, even host your own free market at your neighborhood community center or park ( spring cleaning just around the corner)! See recycling is so much fun!! Maybe this adulting thing isn't so hard😛👍 Go green and blue!! ✨Stay gold Ponyboy✨

If you can't go totally off the grid yet, here's a cool idea: Land of Enchantment's innovative new solar power program!! Ahh, New Mexico, as if i didn't love ya enough...

Way to go New Mexico!! Solar power just makes sense here with over 300 days of sunshine and our temperate climate. For us who although we'd love to can't go totally off grid yet here's a cool first step they are doing in my state.. New Mexico is supporting their residents and the environmental movement with their customer owned solar generation program. This is an exciting new addition to the conservation movement that has just been renewed for another year!!
PNM ( Power New Mexico) our main power company has initiated a solar power incentive program. https://www.pnm.com/solar It's a $150 sign up and we save on our energy bill, reduce fossil fuel consumption, and THEY pay US for any unused power. I've heard that in some states if you have solar power and are still passively hooked up to the grid you can get taxed even for the excess power you put back in!! That's insane if that is true! But here in NM so far it works like this.. As I understand it we sign a renewable energy certificate (REC) for a small (up to 10 KWac) or large (over 10KWac) solar power unit. Pending inspection and application approval we are eligible. Because we are adding renewable energy to New Mexico's power grid they pay us to help them meet their environmental goals. Pretty cool idea😎✌🌵

A great way to help. The movement starts with us!!

Our beautiful Sandia Mountains with the Rio Grande in the forefront. Viewed from near the Coronado ancient ruins site and campground near the Santa Ana Pueblo just north of Albuquerque.

Earth Justice is a legal group that fights on the behalf of environmental causes. Click on this link and sign the petition that resonates with you. Or better yet, all of them!! We can make a difference!! Any advocacy for a cause that helps the environment and the conservation effort is a benefit to us all! Thanks!https://earthjustice.org/features/2017-earthjustice-year-in-pictures

The path to a better future starts with each of us. We just need to take that first step. 
Peace, Melanie

Thoughts on the term Boho or Bohemian.. Why it fits here

What is Boho anyways?? A short history of the original bohemian, the new bohemian and modern day relevance.. This is something I've been wanting to check out for a while.. I knew the word as it applies to decor.. 70s paisley prints and textile art, macrame.. Or the stereotypical bohemian of the 1950s with their poetry readings and bongos.. But wasn't there more to it??

Czech people with varied ethnic origins who spoke many different languages were called Bohemians in the early 20th century. They frequently intermarried and the term Bohemia came to be used in this area for people with diverse ethnic origins. "Bohemian was associated with a socially unconventional arts oriented person of an unconventional wandering lifestyle focused on literary, artistic or musical pursuits."
The first English usage described the artistic groups associated with anti-establishment views expressed through free love, a distaste for the shallow ideals of a money based society, and sometimes even voluntary poverty. "Bohemians lived outside conventional society, untroubled by it's disapproval."

"What is it then that makes this mystical Empire of Bohemia unique, and what is the charm of it's mental fairyland? It's this; there are no roads in all Bohemia!! One must choose and find ones own path, be ones own self, live ones own life."

Whoa.. Sounds cool!! How can we apply this philosophy to our present? When you hear the word BoHo or Bohemian what image appears?? The BoHo ideals picked up by The hippies in the sixties weren't just a fad, it was an earth based collective growing movement that was so powerful that the government got scared and had to shut us down with mass fluoridation without our consent for our own "benefit." That's another story,  conjecture and my opinion of course, but the timing is notable. The beginning of the mass implementation of fluoride into our water supply was 1970. Summer of love was 1969. Coincidence? Nahhh, not to me..

(Prince, a good example of someone who I think had the mindset of a modern Bohemian💜)

These kids were on to something paradigm shifting and monumental. A real change in the collective conciousness that would benefit society and the planet as a whole globally. I say we pick up where they left off.. This is something we all can get behind on a world wide basis. Let's dream big, reach for the stars.. We can all go pick up some crazy idea and change the world🌍


🎶"Don't it always seem to go.. That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone."🎶
-Joni Mitchell

Whatever happened to those great political protest songs??
Like Country Joe at Woodstock??
But I'm getting way off track here...
This is my...

🌎🎍Project Boho Creative Upcycling🎍🌎


A perfect world to me would be an absolute termination of all manufacturing and production forever. We have more than enough stuff in the world that we don't need. It's time to get consciously creative and repurpose like we mean it!! We would have to approach the project a little differently and practice mindful conservation by using up materials and supplies we have on hand currently and reassess our sourcing. Its not hard at all once you get used to it!! All my projects are eco-minded and practical using recycled and typically thrown away materials with little to no end product waste. A main focus for me when I'm on a project is to make sure 100% of materials are used even if that takes a little extra thought and time. Scraps are saved for future projects. This helps to increase your end product vibration ( and your own energy will resonate at a higher frequency!!)

 You get a few of these high energy craft projects in your home you can change the energy in your whole house. Change your whole house and you can change your neighborhood. Change your neighborhood your can change your state... Change your state you can change your country. And so on...

And anyone reading this that has a favorite upcycled project or idea please leave a link in the comments!! I would LOVE to see them!!

This was one of my favorite easy eco -friendly projects. I love the no color color and how well it goes with the deer skull.
These hanging planters are so useful and easy to make with low cost supplies that you probably have at home. EASY!!Easy Knotted Plant Hanger 5 Minute Project If you can tie a knot you can do this project!!😊 I believe in you!! Natural fibers look best and are durable and biodegradable. ( cotton or hemp fiber  rope!!)

Manifesting challenging large repurposed meditation tent sewing project.. Success despite Mercury retrograde.. Thanks to a little help from divine timing!!💡🌟🎪

An upcycling sewing project I just completed!! I thought this was going to be a quick finish.. Two weeks and three broken machine needles later I am finally done!! I sourced material from the local ABQ Savers, I didn't have the right kind of fabric on hand and after an unproductive hunt for vintage material that was durable enough to use I was at a loss.. Wandering around the thrift store aisles frustrated and trying to brainstorm (on Black Friday what was I thinking) I ended up in the ladies skirt section, I look over and there is the perfect earth tone paisley, durable weight hippie skirt for $2.99. Ahh!! I then quickly found 4 more in complementary earth tones! And 50% off! When I got home and laid out the skirt fabric I had 40.58 feet of beautiful vintage fabric. I had previously measured the space and needed 40.5 feet. Perfect! I even had enough left for a few pillows and to mod podge an old paper hanging lampshade with the scraps.
#projectboho #meditationtent #upcycle #repurpose #textileart #meditate #boho #hippie #recycle #70s #vintage
A much bigger project than I thought but I love how it turned out!!

I kept the fabric panels separate so it will be multipurpose to use indoors or out. Hoping to take camping and on roadtrips next summer!!

  1. The synchronicities were strong during this project!! Yardage worked out exactly perfect, (I did not measure at the store just did a very rough eyeball estimate) and the buttons from the four different skirt fabrics lined up perfectly to make the tent door.👍🌙🌟

Adds a cozy bohemian vibe to the RV!! This was one of my more challenging projects as I had no pattern just an idea in my head. It really was so much fun though and I'm very happy with the end result.

Just enough left over fabric scraps to Mod Podge an old paper hanging lamp that had large tears and was previously unusable.  

Conservation Meditations

Just wanted to pass this along... VERY CONCERNING!!!!  Anything we can do to reduce plastic use even one thing to start with would be a huge...