Thoughts on the term Boho or Bohemian.. Why it fits here

What is Boho anyways?? A short history of the original bohemian, the new bohemian and modern day relevance.. This is something I've been wanting to check out for a while.. I knew the word as it applies to decor.. 70s paisley prints and textile art, macrame.. Or the stereotypical bohemian of the 1950s with their poetry readings and bongos.. But wasn't there more to it??

Czech people with varied ethnic origins who spoke many different languages were called Bohemians in the early 20th century. They frequently intermarried and the term Bohemia came to be used in this area for people with diverse ethnic origins. "Bohemian was associated with a socially unconventional arts oriented person of an unconventional wandering lifestyle focused on literary, artistic or musical pursuits."
The first English usage described the artistic groups associated with anti-establishment views expressed through free love, a distaste for the shallow ideals of a money based society, and sometimes even voluntary poverty. "Bohemians lived outside conventional society, untroubled by it's disapproval."

"What is it then that makes this mystical Empire of Bohemia unique, and what is the charm of it's mental fairyland? It's this; there are no roads in all Bohemia!! One must choose and find ones own path, be ones own self, live ones own life."

Whoa.. Sounds cool!! How can we apply this philosophy to our present? When you hear the word BoHo or Bohemian what image appears?? The BoHo ideals picked up by The hippies in the sixties weren't just a fad, it was an earth based collective growing movement that was so powerful that the government got scared and had to shut us down with mass fluoridation without our consent for our own "benefit." That's another story,  conjecture and my opinion of course, but the timing is notable. The beginning of the mass implementation of fluoride into our water supply was 1970. Summer of love was 1969. Coincidence? Nahhh, not to me..

(Prince, a good example of someone who I think had the mindset of a modern Bohemian💜)

These kids were on to something paradigm shifting and monumental. A real change in the collective conciousness that would benefit society and the planet as a whole globally. I say we pick up where they left off.. This is something we all can get behind on a world wide basis. Let's dream big, reach for the stars.. We can all go pick up some crazy idea and change the world🌍

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